

Tasty Indian snacking dishes you can have while dieting

As a nutritionist, I am not a big fan of the word – Diet or dieting. According to me, one should eat healthy, balanced, and on-time instead of following a particular diet. The mantra is to eat a balanced meal… Continue Reading →


How to control blood sugar levels in 4 easy ways?

Do you know India has the second-highest number of diabetics in the world? There are more than 77 million diabetics in our country and one of the major reasons is the lifestyle we lead.[1] In most households, you will find… Continue Reading →


The Unbearable Lightness of Lean – Lean mean diet fads

‘Of lean mean diet fads and the obsession with being a “lightweight”.’ People all around me are disappearing. Friends, some family, acquaintances, even people on the big and small screen are slowly and surely whittling away to a fast approaching… Continue Reading →


Oats Pancake and Nutrition Tips #NutritionNiche

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. – Ancient Ayurvedic proverb. Nutrition related topics are confusing for many as they are unaware of the facts. I am sharing answers… Continue Reading →
