Would you believe it if someone said they left their seat in MBBS for an arts degree? Well, that is what happened to me. Let me paint you a picture of how much pressure a child is in when in… Continue Reading →
No matter what you do or say, exams still give jitters not only to kids but also to parents. Especially in our country still, it is all about the pressure, anxiety, and stress. It’s almost final exams time and this… Continue Reading →
First of all, I want to ask all the parents- Is competition a good, or a bad, thing for children? I believe, it is good but unwanted and unhealthy competition is not good. Some parents have a different point… Continue Reading →
As a mom of a teenager, I understand the pressure of studies, especially the exam time pressure. I am glad that they are not in a school where the pressure is too much from the starting. I like the unconventional… Continue Reading →