Navratri is celebrated in different ways throughout the country. It is a time to celebrate and enjoy the festivals. There are different ways in which we celebrate the same festival. People keep fasts, celebrate with dandiya and Garba dance, worship… Continue Reading →
Dusshera is a festival of the triumph of good over bad. I still remember the time when we used to go to see Ravan Dehan with our parents. The whole atmosphere used to be festive and fun. Watching 10 days… Continue Reading →
इधर से उधर उड़ती, यहां से वहां घूमती, कभी हंसती , कभी रूठती, कभी बैठ जाती और सोचती, तितलियों जैसी यह बेटियां. रंगबिरंगी, बहुत बातूनी, हमारी दुनिया में रंग भर्ती, दुनिया रंगीन बनाती, तितलियों जैसी यह बेटियां. खुशियों की लहर जैसी,… Continue Reading →