
Deepa gandhi

Women Entrepreneurs in India making a difference

In India, women are primarily thought of as being responsible for their family’s domestic duties as mothers and housewives. The function of modern women is no longer limited to the traditional role of staying at home and caring for family… Continue Reading →


Easy Til and Jaggery ladoos –Winter special

The Winter season is one of my favourite seasons. The main reason is the availability of different varieties of food items, especially fruits and vegetables. I remember my mom cooking dry fruit pinnies (ladoos), sweet and sour carrot and cauliflower… Continue Reading →


5 Benefits of Online Shopping and E-commerce websites

As someone who loves shopping, I have slowly moved from shopping in malls or shops to online shopping. Initially, it was not easy and it took me some time to get used to it but now I find it much… Continue Reading →


Planning a trip to Dubai in 2022 – All you need to know

Dubai is a multicultural city that offers the best of everything. Often referred to by many as the “vegas of the desert,” this fascinating city has managed to draw the attention of various globetrotter. It is one of the reasons… Continue Reading →


5 Bollywood movies that broke the Gender Stereotypes

Gender stereotyping is a notion or conception about gender roles. For example, people normally see women as homemakers or caregivers and men as breadwinners. Due to gender stereotypes, inequalities keep going and that’s why it’s important to break them. It… Continue Reading →


Are there enough Women in MSME Business in India?

There is a lot of new medium and small-scale business in India. In fact, I see this new trend in youngsters of leaving their jobs and starting their own ventures. But the question is – are there enough women in… Continue Reading →


5 Food Items with low GI to add if you are a Diabetic

Let food be your medicine and not medicine your food. This is one of my favourite quotes as someone from a nutrition background. Many people are suffering from lifestyle diseases like obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, etc. these days. In diabetes,… Continue Reading →


Gender Roles after Marriage in India

Marriage is an institution where two people decide to spend their life together. It’s supposed to be an equal partnership or an equal relationship but the question is how true it is in India? In our country, you still see… Continue Reading →


Yummy Diwali gift with BeeTee Melt Chocolate

Diwali is just around the corner. The festivities are in full swing and everyone is excited for the festival of light. I love everything about the festival and make sure to enjoy it to the fullest. My favourite part of… Continue Reading →


How Vitamin C can be made a part of your regime

Immunity has been the buzzword since last year. When it comes to fighting any infection, taking precautions and following basic hygienic practices help. Washing your hands, keeping your surroundings clean, and following a proper sanitization routine are a few things… Continue Reading →


How to use Hair Growth Vitalizer for Hair regrowth

I have always had very thick and wavy hair. Due to travelling and changing cities, I observed a change in my hair texture. Hair fall was a common thing too. It was so much in between that I was worried… Continue Reading →


Creative moms – Featuring artist Jayashree Mahapatra

We are back with one more mom in the series Creative moms. Introducing Jayashree Mahapatra, a self-taught artist from Bangalore. She started painting as a hobby and later it became her passion and profession. Let’s get to know her more… Continue Reading →
