As writers, we all suffer from writer’s block every now and then. We all need some kind of inspiration to write something new at times. For me, this initiative by Blogchatter called CauseAChatter is one such inspiration, not only to write but also to write something meaningful. It helps you to write content around social issues, share your experiences, and also spread awareness about them. CauseAChatter helped me as a blogger and also changed the way I look at my blogging journey.

What is CauseAChatter?

It is an initiative started by Blogchatter 2 years back. Many bloggers started this journey of blogging with a purpose with CauseAChatter. It is divided into three quarters every year and in each quarter, a blogger is supposed to write a minimum of 3 posts to be eligible. There are different topics or themes to choose from and each blogger writes on that particular theme for a quarter. The good part is that you can either choose one theme/cause for every quarter or you can choose a different cause in each quarter.

Why do I like to write for CauseAChatter?

I have been a part of CauseAChatter since 2020 when it started. It’s been a wonderful journey of choosing the causes, researching, and curating the content for it. I wrote about two causes last year, the environmental talks and gender talks. Writing for a cause not only helps to learn about it in-depth but helps to share your knowledge about it with others.

I love writing for CauseAChatter as it gives me an opportunity to not only make an impact through my writing but also to learn from other community members. It feels good to be an advocate for the cause you are championing.

CauseAChatter in 2022-

This year Blogchatter expanded the conversations to more topics. The overall theme for this year is – Inclusivity which means no one should be left behind. The themes for this year to create content and make an impact are- Climate change, Gardening, Mental health, Women empowerment, Gender identity, sustainable living, discrimination, disability, legal rights awareness, and access to education.

Although all these causes are wonderful and I wanted to write about quite a few of them, I am writing for Women’s empowerment this quarter. You can check my first post to know about my exact theme. The good part is that you can choose any 3 causes for one quarter. There is a wide choice this time and easy for you to champion a cause.

How can you participate?

Check out the guidelines on the Blogchatter website to know more. You can contact them through their Twitter page too. I am sure you will enjoy writing for a purpose. A community like Blogchatter is giving you an opportunity to write about different causes and make a difference.  You can choose a cause that is close to your heart or something which is important to you. The good part is that there are reward points and stickers at the end of each quarter. Also, if you finish all quarters successfully, you get a certificate from the Blogchatter team.

Curating content on social causes is much easier now with CauseAChatter. It helped me in many different ways and I am sure participating in CauseAChatter can help you as a blogger too.
