I don’t like coffee. There I said it and I know it will be very surprising for all the coffee lovers. I like tea better than coffee but not a tea person either. I like my two cups of tea… Continue Reading →
I am not a morning person and love sleeping till late. During my school and college days, I was not an early riser but more of a night owl. Many of my friends used to sleep early and woke up… Continue Reading →
Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit, talk about your joys. – Rita Sachiano. I normally avoid talking to people when I am upset or sad. I sort of go into a cocoon and take my… Continue Reading →
HAPPY GIRLS ARE THE PRETTIEST- Audrey Hepburn I agree with this quote as a simple smile can make a huge difference. And our inner beauty reflects outside too. I believe few things like happiness, confidence and being comfortable in… Continue Reading →
What are quirks? An obsession, a fad, a peculiar trait of your personality, your characteristics, or something which makes you different from others. When Mayuri (our master idea generator) suggested this prompt, as always we all loved it. So, thought… Continue Reading →
My parents always used to stress the value of gratitude. They taught us to be thankful for everything in life, especially, as kids, when I and my siblings used to get upset about not getting something. I didn’t understand its… Continue Reading →
“The problem with people who have no vices is that generally, you can be pretty sure that they are going to have some pretty annoying virtues.”- Elizabeth Taylor. We all have vices and virtues which we all are mostly aware… Continue Reading →
First of all, I am thankful for all the love by my blogger friends. Here are the wonderful people with whom I am co-hosting #ThankfulThursdays. I believe love cannot be defined by just one relationship. Love is much more… Continue Reading →
Today I am thankful for NOT having few things. First of all I am thankful for not giving up. “Giving up is the only sure way to fail.”- Gina Showalter. I run a dance school because I tried to be… Continue Reading →
“Sometimes we are like stars, we fall to make someone’s wishes come true.” When I read this quote, the first thing that came to my mind was “Parents”. A mom is like a fairy godmother and dads are like Santa for… Continue Reading →
We all are thankful for many things in our life like family, friends, food, kids, pets, etc. But today I am going to write about things which make my life easier. I am thankful for all the gadgets in my… Continue Reading →
I started writing gratitude posts two months back and it feels great to write down all the things I am thankful for. Being thankful can make you happy, positive, and healthy. This is my gratitude post for November. When something… Continue Reading →