

Blogs from a “dietician mommy”.

5 Easy and Healthy Republic Day Recipes

With the occasion of Republic Day dawning near us, you must be thinking how can you make this day special for your children! Well, one definite interesting way is to cook wonderful, yummy recipes for them. These recipes are simple… Continue Reading →


Are you buying pure honey or fake honey?

Honey is a natural and pure product which we get from honey bees who convert nectar into honey. Pure and unprocessed honey has many benefits.  But the question is – how to choose honey which is pure, fresh and not… Continue Reading →


Easy Indian style Vegetable macaroni recipe

Pasta and macaroni are kids favourite and they love to have it anytime. I believe its easier to make kids eat a dish when it’s something of their choice. So, just twist a normal recipe little bit and make it yummy… Continue Reading →


Healthy Atta pancakes or Whole wheat pancakes recipe

A mom always tries to make sure to provide the best nutrition to her kids. It’s a task to make kids eat healthy stuff. Homemade and fresh food are the best but its hard to convince kids to eat everything… Continue Reading →


Simple tricks to include vegetables – Toddler food guide

Children of growing age, need a variety of fruits and vegetables in their diet on daily basis. Even for someone who likes eating vegetables, sometimes it may become a challenge to complete children’s daily dose of serving every day. Children… Continue Reading →


What happens to your body when you leave processed food

We are writing about -Get fit and stay fit and as a nutritionist and a mom, I have a lot of topics in mind. Today I am sharing the benefits of leaving processed foods. I thank Charu for mentioning me… Continue Reading →


Instant Pickle Recipe and 5 ways to make Healthy Pickles

An Indian meal is incomplete without a pickle. Indian pickles or ‘achaar’ are something which brings the taste and flavour to any type of meal. There are many pickle recipes which instantly take me back to my childhood days. My… Continue Reading →


5 activities to boost emotional bonding with your baby

Did you know that creating an emotional bonding with our babies is good for their overall development? Stimulation in any form during the early years of life is really good for the emotional development of the child. It makes them… Continue Reading →


Owned by the farmers of India – Farmveda

Do you ever think about the challenges faced by farmers of India? Do you know almost 50 crore people still are either farmers or are dependent on farming? I am sure most of you have heard about problems like low… Continue Reading →


Myths related to a vegetarian diet- Healthy chana dal vada recipe

Recently one of my relatives was diagnosed with cancer and underwent a surgery for it. Doctors recommended a high protein diet post-surgery for few days. As she is a vegetarian, she was confused about the good protein vegetarian sources. I… Continue Reading →


A Yummy Dessert recipe: Raspberry Vermicelli Custard

Dinner table conversations, heart-to-heart over cups of coffee or sharing a bar of chocolate with someone; food brings people together. Whether foodie or not, every family’s discussions vastly revolve around food. The woman (or man) of the house caters to… Continue Reading →


6 Successful breastfeeding tips – A guide for new moms

I chose to breastfeed both my daughters and I am glad I did it for almost a year for both of them. As my elder one was born little premature, I had to switch between bottle feed and breastfeed. But… Continue Reading →
