When we decided on this prompt, so many funny habits came to my mind. I was confused about which ones to mention. Of course, all are not worth mentioning and few needs to be a secret too. 😉 Although I… Continue Reading →
We are a family of foodies and love to explore different food items from different cuisines. Being a foodie, I have a long list of food items that are my favorite. There are few special ones which make me go… Continue Reading →
I am sure our childhood memories are our treasures which we all cherish. These are the memories that are stored in pictures and albums but the most precious ones are always stored in our hearts. Many small things remind us… Continue Reading →
We all have some happy days and some not so happy days. There are days when we are little moody and don’t feel that good. I surely have days like this when I don’t want to talk to anybody and… Continue Reading →
When I was growing up, Sunday used to be the best day as it was the only day off in our school. We had half days on Saturdays. Also, in India, the concept of weekends off is relatively new. My… Continue Reading →
“Wisdom is knowing what to do next. Skill is knowing how to do it and virtue is doing it.” – David Starr Jordann. A few days back one of my cousins asked me about skills as he had to mention… Continue Reading →
As mothers day is around the corner, we thought of a giving a prompt related to our moms. Moms are special and our memories of them always make us smile. Whenever I think of my mom, the first thing which… Continue Reading →
I travelled to the US with my husband for the first time after few months of marriage. Initially, I found it very different and very lonely. But slowly got used to the country and loved it as we made some… Continue Reading →
I am not a morning person and love sleeping till late. During my school and college days, I was not an early riser but more of a night owl. Many of my friends used to sleep early and woke up… Continue Reading →
HAPPY GIRLS ARE THE PRETTIEST- Audrey Hepburn I agree with this quote as a simple smile can make a huge difference. And our inner beauty reflects outside too. I believe few things like happiness, confidence and being comfortable in… Continue Reading →
What are quirks? An obsession, a fad, a peculiar trait of your personality, your characteristics, or something which makes you different from others. When Mayuri (our master idea generator) suggested this prompt, as always we all loved it. So, thought… Continue Reading →
My parents always used to stress the value of gratitude. They taught us to be thankful for everything in life, especially, as kids, when I and my siblings used to get upset about not getting something. I didn’t understand its… Continue Reading →