When I was growing up, Sunday used to be the best day as it was the only day off in our school. We had half days on Saturdays. Also, in India, the concept of weekends off is relatively new. My father was a senior professor at a college and there was only one weekly off on Sundays.

With a change of jobs scene and many MNC’S that came up, the concept of Saturday and Sunday off started.

Why am I Thankful for Weekends?

My daughters also have a 5 day school with Saturday and Sunday off.  As a mom, I feel the weekends are hectic and busy with everybody at home. But, there are many reasons for me to be thankful for the weekends-

On weekdays, I wake up at 5.30 am to get snack and lunch boxes ready. Kids leave for school around 7 and after that, I run around handling different chores. So, weekends give me a break from the normal schedule. I am thankful for weekends for the break I get from my hectic schedule.

Weekends also means fun outings with family. We make it a point to go out for a family lunch or dinner or just a movie outing every weekend. I am thankful for family time on weekends.

As an entrepreneur, there is no difference between weekday and weekend. But, there are ways to have fun and also handle our work effectively on weekends. I make sure to schedule my work in such a way that I don’t have to miss family time.

Weekends help us to be prepared for the week ahead as we are refreshed after the break. I am thankful for these two days which help me to recharge and unwind.

The weekend is just 2 days away, are you waiting for the weekend too? Let us know why are you thankful for weekends?



