“This dress is not fitting me, I knew I gained weight. I need to lose this belly fat as it makes me look like a fatty mom.” Mira told her husband while getting ready for a party. As usual, Anirudh didn’t pay much attention to her as he was busy on his laptop. But someone was paying attention to everything she told. The little Ria was looking at her mom and listening to everything she said.
Ria is an 11-year-old daughter of Mira and Anirudh who loves getting dressed, trying her mom’s makeup and also looking herself in the mirror. Her mom Mira is a famous fashion designer and sometimes models for her brand too. She is pretty, tall and with a fair complexion. On the other hand, Ria has dusky skin tone and has always been a little chubby right from childhood.
Mira would often knowingly or unknowingly comment on how Ria looks and how she should take care of herself so that she looks pretty when she grows up. Ria is a very creative child who excels in studies too and wins many prizes for her art in school. But Mira would never appreciate her creativity while talking to her as her only concern is Ria’s looks. She would get Ria all kinds of creams and face packs to apply on her face to improve her complexion or give her diet tips to lose weight.
As a result of all this obsession to look good at home, Ria grew up as someone with low confidence, health issues due to dieting at a young age to impress her mom and look like her. She believes how she looks is more important than who she is.

Talk to your daughters
This is a real story of someone I know and it breaks my heart to see young girls going through such issues of body shaming at home itself. You need to teach your daughters that looks are not the single most important factor which determines your worth.
- Teach them to eat healthily, dress well, take care of their health, and focus on their strength.
- Tell them they are beautiful the way they are and they don’t need any approval from anyone.
- Teach them to be proud of whatever they do and be happy in what they have or don’t have.
- While talking to your girls, Instead of commenting on their looks, ask about their studies, interests, and other related stuff.
- Never talk about your own body issues in front of your girls. They grow up thinking that any flaws with the body are not acceptable.
- Its all about changing the way you talk to your daughter. A slight change and you can help your daughter to be a confident young girl.
- When you talk to your daughters, teach them the right definition of true beauty. It’s about what’s inside and not what’s outside.
It’s time to embrace the true beauty and teach our daughters to celebrate true beauty. The girls should know the value of who they are and not how they look. Of course, looking good matters but it’s not the only determinant of your character or your talents. One must look good to feel good and feel confident about themselves but not for anyone else.
It’s time to change the way you talk to your daughters.
**This is a sponsored post for Natural salons which are a chain of salons across India. They are helping women not only to look good by changing the way they look but also helping them to stand on their feet and know their true worth. Being beautiful is all about being confident and happy.
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*The story shared above is a true story and names are changed to hide the identity.
December 5, 2018 at 3:10 pm
Felt very sad for Ria as I read this. Parents, unintentionally or intentionally sometimes scar a child for life. As you said, we really need to change the way we talk to our children. Lovely post, Deepa. I hope many parents read it.
December 5, 2018 at 10:00 pm
Great post. . Worth reading.
December 5, 2018 at 10:05 pm
That’s an important lesson that you have mentioned in fiction Deepa. True, we at times get obsessed by our own goals that forget about kids.
It’s essential to work on language, thought process and all before talking to kids.
December 7, 2018 at 5:15 pm
Not only to Girls Deepa, we need to change the way we talk to our boys too, as knowingly or unknowingly we are setting up their minds to be macho and most of the people fail just because of this mindset.
December 7, 2018 at 11:49 pm
Parents need to be careful while talking to kids. Even a small thing like, Using adjectives- smart, responsible, good instead of beautiful , will make a mark difference.
December 7, 2018 at 11:53 pm
I loved the post. The things as parents that we see harmless, causes the maximum negative impact. It sure makes me think about how I talk to my daughter.
December 8, 2018 at 9:44 am
Very thought provoking post. Kids are very sensitive and especially when they are in their pre-teens, it is imperative that a mother is also sensitized to this and understands the sentiments and emotions of her daughter.
December 8, 2018 at 2:18 pm
Talking freely with kids and knowing their thoughts and understanding them is a must.We must make a child confident by listening to them instead of ignoring.Very nice post.
December 8, 2018 at 4:47 pm
So well said. At times we dont notice that kids are listening to a lot of things we may not want them hearing. But it’s time we celebrate being a human and teach them same
December 8, 2018 at 7:48 pm
Very depressing to read how Ria felt. Every mother ought to provide confidence in their daughters. A mother plays such a important part in a child’s life. Thanks for throwing light on such important issue through your article.
December 8, 2018 at 9:19 pm
This was such a beautiful blog, I loved it completely, will definitely share the same with my friends too, thank you for sharing this amazing thoughts.
December 9, 2018 at 12:00 am
Very heart touching post … We play such a important life in our kid’s life so we have to manage tactfully… Thanks for sharing nice thought
December 9, 2018 at 10:13 am
Body shaming is something we as a society need to get rid of. Most of us don’t even realise when and how we are affecting the psyche of a child by even matter of factly talking about physical appearances. One needs to be especially careful as a parent.
December 9, 2018 at 1:15 pm
Very touching post dear. This definitely has to be thought upon as we often forget about small things in life.
December 10, 2018 at 4:57 pm
An absolutely well written post with a very important message! I absolutely agree and do feel that parents and each person needs to be conscious of the message they are sending out with flippant comments they pass without even realising it sometimes!
December 11, 2018 at 11:53 am
This is quite and eye opener. There might be a Ria or for that matter Rohan in each of our lives. This post is going to remain with me for a long time as I try and inculcate the tips myself.