Thank you is a magical word. It feels good to think of all the things we are thankful for in our life. I am trying to teach my girls importance of saying Thank you for everything in life.

We always think about our problems and get sad.  But the trick is to be thankful for what we have instead of crying for what we don’t have. I feel there are a million ways to say thank you and it just depends on how you want to do it.

3 ways to say thank you-

Thank you notes– I love this way to say thank you and it can make anybody feel special. Try it next time with someone and see how it brings a smile on their face. I am sure you will feel good about it. It’s not necessary to say it to just family or friends but there are so many people who help us in some or the other way. It nice to send a thank you note to people around us.



Thank you call- Why not call up someone and say thank you? I am sure we all get so busy in our lives that we forget to show our gratitude to our loved ones. Call up your parents, friends or an old colleague to say thank you. Just the word, Thanks has the power to make someone happy and forget all their worries.



Thank you gift- Cook up a meal, clean the house, do something special like buying their favorite book or something which they love. It’s not only about words. Sometimes doing something special for someone is a great way to say Thanks to loved ones. Make someone feel special to show your gratitude.


Last but not least, I feel #ThankfulThursday is a great way to say Thanks. Don’t you think so?

Share your thoughts with us by writing your 3 ways to say Thank you.



