I wish I were a child again and relive those childhood days,

To the times when I was sad or had a bad day,

I could just go to mommy and it would all be okay.

I want to go back to no sadness and no pain but just laughter,

When everyone just lives happily ever after.

I wish I were a child again and relive those childhood days,

The times when we could just play in the sun,

 With the toys, sand, and pebbles with so much fun.

When friends would stand by us and fight for us,

As they were our best buddies.

I wish I were a child again and relive those childhood days,

The times when we were really innocent and naive,

And had many dreams and fantasies to dive.

We never worried about the next day or next moment,

And were just happy and excited about small things in life.

I wish I were a child again and relive those childhood days,

The times when there were no worries about life, war or relationships.

When life was just about going to school, watching TV and enjoying.

Sometimes I wish I could really go back in time,

As growing up is not something I like.

I wish I were a child again and relive those childhood days,

The times when I used to play in the rain and jump in the puddles,

Made sand castles and climbed trees.

When there were no uncertainties of life and no surprises,

But, just a happy carefree life with lots of smiles.


It is written for #Blochatter prompt, “I wish I were.”

