In just one month, people around the world will ring in the New Year but many of us are still thinking of making our resolutions for next year. I actually never make any New Year resolutions as they rarely work for me.

But today I am writing about GOALS which are different. As goals are like those dreams which you keep in front and try to follow.

Here are few of my blogging goals for 2017. 

  • Stay consistent– I have been trying to stay pretty consistent for some time now and believe me it’s not easy. I also try writing 3-4 times a week and read others posts So, in new year, I will try to keep it the same way as offline too I am little impulsive and like planning things beforehand.
  • Trying out new things- I will try to increase my blog traffic by trying new things related to blogging. And may be work on some posts which can bring good traffic.
  • Meetings- I loved meeting some great bloggers this year and also attended few events too. I’d love to attend more events in 2017 too as it’s a great way to meet and socialise while having fun.
  • Business– My blog will be almost a year old. So, I will start thinking for some business plans and may be start a business account attached to it. I know it takes time but no harm in dreaming, right?
  • Be there and enjoy– Last but not least, to be there and still enjoy it. It is important to feel good and happy while writing. I sometimes find myself stressed over things like participating in certain campaigns, reaching out to the followers or missing out on anything. But I think it’s important for me to remind myself that it is something I love and how grateful I am to do it every day.

Where do you want to be in 2017?

This is written for my #Blogbuddy team-  #Blogtrotters and we are sharing with you blogging goals today.





