In a shocking incident, a 10-month-old girl was allegedly beaten up and kicked at a creche in Navi Mumbai’s Kharghar by a caretaker, who along with the daycare centre owner has been arrested, police said today. NDTV India.

Last week we all woke up to the news of a day-care in Mumbai. When I watched that video clip, my heart went out to the baby and her parents. And, this raises many questions about the quality of child care facilities in our country.

A few years ago, I took this decision of not leaving my kids with a caretaker or in a day-care as I didn’t have any help at home. But I was able to take this decision as my husband is very supportive and I didn’t have to work out of economic necessity.

But I understand that sometimes the only option is to leave them in the day-care or with a caretaker. And while most day-cares may paint a pretty picture, it is very important to do some good and serious research.

First of all, do make a list of all the points according to your needs and requirements to decide good childcare –

  • How old is the child?
  • How many hours and for how many days you need child care?
  • Do you also need a food facility?
  • How much distance is ok?

How to decide good childcare for your child?

  • Judge the atmosphere– When you go to a day-care, try to judge its surroundings. It should be a comfortable place for your kid where they feel secure and happy. And it should have that homely feeling attached to it. Also, it should be clean and should have a good stock of toys and books.
  • Staff and caretakers– Do inquire about all the caretakers as ultimately they will be responsible for taking care of your child. Do ask for a list of all the members with their phone numbers. And do not hesitate to ask if the same staff is going to consistently take care of your child or it will keep changing.
  • Food and drink- Do check the kitchen and dining area too to see how and where the meals provided to kids are coming from. It’s important that meals and snacks are healthy and appropriate for the kids who are served.
  • Surprise checks– Do try to visit the day-care at different times of the day to get an idea of how the staff interacts with the children and how is everything else taken care of. Once you are confident of one centre, go ahead and enroll your child.
  • Proper research- Try taking references from other parents as this can help you to decide good childcare. And also check online resources to find out more information about them.

Prompt for Week 3-

“10 months old baby thrashed by a caretaker in Navi Mumbai.”

Share your thoughts about this incident.

What does u think can be done to improve the safety of daycares? or what do you think about daycares of today?


This post has been written for #MondayMommyMoments

If you are wondering what is #MondayMommyMoments, it is a blog hop for all things related to motherhood. We will give you a prompt and if you write a post, link up to the linky here or at my Co-hosts.  Share with us your love, hurt, and growth as a mom. In other words, everything related to motherhood.


