The Cesarean section or C-section is the surgical delivery of a baby. It involves the process of an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. It is a common procedure for the delivery of infants today.

The doctors avoid a C-section delivery before 39 weeks of pregnancy. This helps the child get enough time to develop in the womb. Doctors perform a C section prior to 39 weeks only in case of severe complications during pregnancy.

It is an option in pregnancy only when there are some complications that make vaginal birth difficult. A C section is preferred in any such complications which can put the life of mother and baby at risk if delivered normally. Reason for the complications in the delivery may include many conditions. The child having developmental conditions, baby’s head too big for birth canal, the baby is coming out feet first, early pregnancy complications, previous C-section delivery, reduced oxygen supply to the baby, problems with the umbilical cord, stalled labour and so on.

While the C section delivery helps to solve the complications in the delivery process, it also includes many risks. Bleeding, blood clots, increased risks of future pregnancy, injection, surgical injury, longer recovery time are some of the risks.

Usually, the doctor will always provide you with the birthing options before your due date. A doctor can identify the signs of complications beforehand from the medical history of a mother or also from baby’s condition. During pregnancy, it’s important to take certain precautions. It’s important to go for regular health checkups and blood tests. The risks involved in C-section also includes the loss of blood in case of an emergency.

It is a short surgery but the recovery time will force you to stay in the hospital for a week at least. During the cesarean operation, the abdomen is cleaned and they start intravenous fluid. Doctors prescribe the fluid intake and the medications during this time.

The mom is given anesthesia to start with and one out of these options is used – spinal block, epidural or general anesthesia. Doctors make pelvic incisions and uterus incisions. After the second incision, doctors take out the baby from the uterus. The doctor will primarily aid the child by removing the fluid near the mouth and nose, then cuts the umbilical cord.


The C-section delivery cost in India is now available in almost every hospital around the nation.


** This post is a collaboration and It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions.
