It is International Girl Child Day on 11th October and it evokes a lot of different emotions. Our country is changing fast and we can see developments everywhere. But one area where we still need a change is – Our thinking and mentality. Especially in small towns and villages, things have not changed at all.

It’s high time we change our thinking and the first step is to make our girls strong and self-dependent.

Dear Parents, please allow your girls the freedom of choice, the freedom of thinking, and also the freedom to make mistakes.

International Girl Child Day –

International girl child day

Let them decide-

Whenever taking a decision, do involve her and let her decide or at least voice her opinions in matters related to school and home. I make sure to involve my girls in any small decisions we make at home. This makes them feel special and also teaches them decision-making skills.

Make them self-dependent-

If you keep on helping your child with everything, how will she learn to cope up with difficult situations? Teach them to tackle a situation instead of helping them. One way is to ask them – How will you solve this problem? What do you think can be done in this situation? It’s important to give her a sense of control and show her that you respect her decisions.

Read here – We are girls and we are not a burden.

Teach them physical appearance is not important-

Don’t comment on their physical appearance and don’t be critical of how they look or how they carry themselves. Appreciate her uniqueness and her qualities. She needs to learn to love herself irrespective of what others think of her.

International girl child day

Teach them to stand up to injustice-
It all starts at home and if you allow her to stand up to you and be heard, she can learn to do the same with friends, teachers, or any future relationships. They should be able to stand up to anything wrong.

Be there for them-

Your daughters should know that you are there for them when they need you. This assurance is very important. Do not burden them with your own expectations and your own dreams. Listen to them, show them you care, and stay connected. Before anything else, cherish these beautiful moments spent with her as they grow really fast and before you realise, it’s time for them to fly high leaving an empty nest behind.

 Let them study till they want, let them go out and work, and let them go for parties at night and enjoy with their friends. I know it’s easier said than done with everything going around in our country but change starts with us.

What message do you want to give little girls on this International girl child day?

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge.
