We were looking for a fun prompt this week and we finalized on this ‘Role reversal’ idea. Role reversal of mom and dad. I must tell you that my girls love it when this role reversal happens and in case you are wondering why? Read it here what happens when dad plays mommy’s role.

When I am not around, he is the coolest dad.

Why? Cos he gets  pizza and burgers from outside,

And let them eat anywhere and at any time.

When I am not around, he is the coolest dad.

Why? Cos he is not nagging and shouting like mommy,

And never asks them to finish their chores like mommy.

When I am not around, he is the coolest dad.

Why? Cos he lets them sleep late,

And tells them funny bedtime stories.

When I am not around, he is the coolest dad.

Why? Cos he cooks awesome stuff unlike mommy,

As he experiments with different things and makes them very happy.

When I am not around, he is the coolest dad.

Why? Cos according to them, daddy is much more fun,

As he plays interesting games with them,

And I am sure in all this nothing gets done.

One thing which my girls very happily always tell me after I come back, “Mom! The house was very quiet when you were not there.”

And I know what they mean!

I always thought about myself as a fun mommy but according to my girls – daddy is more fun. And this mommy has no complaints. 🙂

A lot of people ask me this question, “How are you able to manage so many things? Your kids and husband must be very helpful and supportive.”

And the answer is yes! I am able to do so many things or follow my passions as I know that he is there to support me in everything. He manages stuff with kids and I don’t have to worry when I am stepping out for some work.

So, role reversal in my house is fun as kids enjoy more with dad. I think we moms worry too much about the things and are a stickler for rules but dads manage things in a much cooler way. That’s why kids enjoy more with them.

At least this is the case in my house, What about you? Let me know your fun story too. Waiting to hear from you what happens when dad plays mommy’s role.
