Don’t judge me, don’t evaluate me,

As I am just a child.

I am a follower and I follow you,

And I don’t want to lie.

Don’t compare me, don’t stare at me,

As I am just a child.

I am like a sponge, who takes up everything inside,

And I just want to grasp.

Don’t pressurise me, don’t criticize me,

As I am just a child.

I learn at my own pace, I also want to fly,

And I am different from others.

Don’t intimidate me, dont hate me,

As I am just a child.

I am believable, trust me,

And I am vulnerable, protect me.

Don’t limit me, don’t stop me,

As I am just a child.

I also want courage and wings to fly,

And  I just want a good life.

Today, I am sharing my thoughts with you as it’s heartbreaking to see so many kids going through all of this. I am not an expert but it is important to believe your children and understand them. Don’t discourage them and let them follow their own path.

Do you believe your child? Do you treasure their childhood? Do you enjoy and cherish all the moments spent with them? Are you a helicopter parent? Do you appreciate them? Do you let them do whatever they want to? Isn’t it important to let them be?

I leave you here with all these questions to ponder upon your parenting and please share with me your thoughts about it.

Great Parents are Made, Not Born. – I end it here with this quote as we all are learning and no one is expert but sometimes we forget that our kids are small and precious. Let’s celebrate them! 🙂

This post is for Day 13 of UBC and Daily Chatter

