First of all, a big hug to all the moms who are trying everything to make their kids eat healthy and keep them happy and strong. As a mom, I know how difficult it is to make sure your kids are healthy, happy and strong. I am going to share some nutrition tips for kids to grow right from my own experiences, especially for those moms who are struggling with fussy eaters. I have been there and done that and I completely understand you. Why? Because not long ago, I WAS YOU!

The first thing which I want you all to know is that EAT RIGHT + PLAY RIGHT = GROW RIGHT.

So, do not think that just good food is enough for your child’s healthy growth. They need a good amount of physical activity and playtime every day too. Outdoor play helps them to grow better as they get to explore their surroundings, gain self-confidence, develop muscle strength and better coordination.

As for nutrition, I will start with something which helped me when I was struggling with a fussy eater a few years back. You have to develop that love for food in your kids. Remember, the way you talk about food at home influences your child and his/her eating habits.

Whenever I want my child to eat a particular dish or introduce something new, we make sure that everyone eats that at home. It’s important to practice what you preach. Avoid giving them snacks at the wrong time as that can spoil their appetite at mealtimes. This is something that I learnt from my own experiences.

Another thing which I want to share with you is about family mealtime. I look forward to our family mealtimes as that’s a time when we switch off all our gadgets including the TV. When there are happy conversations around the table, kids enjoy their food. Now, my dear fellow moms, do not worry about the quantity of food your child eats. Think of how to make sure that your child is getting a good quality nutritional diet.

Moms, today you have so much information available at your fingertips. In this video are the most Googled questions on Vitamins and Minerals with answers from an expert.

For me, complete and balanced nutrition is a priority while cooking for my kids. Balanced nutrition means a meal that has everything from all the food groups. High-quality protein like eggs, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and dairy products are important for your child’s healthy growth. Include fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals. Food like cabbage, carrots, spinach, broccoli, and beans contain a lot of these vitamins and minerals and help our kids become stronger, build immunity and grow well.

As a nutritionist, I know that vitamins and minerals are essential for my child’s growth. Our body needs these micronutrients in small quantities as they strengthen the body’s defense system. Carbohydrates and protein have a significant role to play in the growth and development of your child.

My daughter is someone who loves fruits but would often run away from vegetables and milk. It’s hard to make kids drink milk, right? So, I found a solution for this in the form of a health drink: PediaSure. It has 37 minerals and vitamins to boost healthy growth in your child. It’s a good supplement for fussy eaters. Complete and balanced nutrition like this is really helpful for kids to grow right.

Remember moms you are not alone! You do have a company. Motherhood is hard but it’s all worth it! I hope you find these nutrition tips for kids to grow right helpful and easy to follow. Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions related to your child’s nutrition and growth.




