The whole world is fighting a global pandemic and it has completely changed a lot of things. The offices and workplaces are closed, even schools and other educational institutions are closed. Many schools are already taking online classes as no one knows when things will get back to normal. Although school closure has impacted teachers, students, and overall staff I feel its most difficult for the high school kids. The impact of the pandemic on high school students who were preparing to go to college this year is the most.

As a mom of a 12th grader who was preparing for college admissions, I know how difficult it is especially for the kids. One of her board exams is still due and there is no clarity on the dates till now. All the entrance exams are postponed and many testing services like SAT and ACT have cancelled the May exams. Students and their families are getting anxious about how everything will turn out eventually.

One of my friends whose daughter is in the IB board still has a lot of school months left. She was looking forward to the farewell and other celebrations. Her school has started remote learning and she is sad that she didn’t even get time to say goodbye to her teachers and friends. Last school year is the time when they want to make a lot of memories but this global pandemic changed everything.

Another friend in the US told that her son is sad that he won’t be able to attend graduation party and other activities like prom and field trips etc. There are many students worldwide who are feeling the same. These moments spent with friends in school are something that they carry with them throughout life.

Once all this is over, I am sure the kids will always remember this phase. They will remember how they graduated in a global pandemic and how it changed the world around them.

How you can help your kids to reduce the stress during this time?

  1. First of all, I feel one should make them understand that things are changing fast in all fields. There are people who are taking care of things to make it streamlined and easy for students. It won’t be as difficult as it looks now.
  2. Not only students but let them know that teachers, faculty, parents, and everyone involved are in it together.
  3. Even though colleges are closed, there are communities to help, online publications, and portals to guide students. Kids can check the websites and get in touch with the online counsellors.
  4. Also, they can use this time to revise and study for entrance exams.
  5. Encourage them to focus on the good times they had at school, rather than dwelling on the uncertainty of the future.

I know it’s not an easy time for parents as well and you are also anxious but try to reduce stress in kids. They will be sad and depressed but let’s try and find a silver lining in this.

Also, right now, this global pandemic is reshaping the education system and maybe it will bring some positive changes too. So, let’s hope that the class of 2020 keeps their hopes high and stay strong. The fear of the unknown is high and no one knows what the future holds but let’s keep the positive approach and make it less stressful for our teens.

What do you think about the impact of this pandemic on high school students? Is your child in the same boat? Do let me know in the comments below. I am writing about stress-free education for #Causeachatter. Read my first post and to know how schools can help make education stress free. Also, read the second post to know how parents can reduce stress in kids.
