Its summer vacation in Australia and a lot of people are making the most of this time to travel with their families. Since air travel is not yet considered safe COVID-19-wise, most people are preferring to drive to their holiday destinations. But a road trip with a kid strapped in the back seat with uncountable “are we there yet?” is not the perfect holiday idea. Here are some tips to road trip smartly with kids. Hope this can help you to make the road trip more fun and sane!
Tips for a fun road trip with kids –
Make kid-friendly bookings: Our travel requirements change drastically with kids. We usually book places that are equipped with a kitchenette or amenities like Microwave and Kettle. This helps to organise their meals better.
Prepare a list of what to pack: Visualise what you need and list it out. That way you will not miss out on packing important things. I am sure proper planning will help you to plan a road trip smartly with kids.
Let your kid pack their own little bag for the ride – Give a small bag pack to your kid and let them pack the stuff they like in that. This bag usually includes their favourite toy, some small snack, colouring books, and colours.
Do not be in a hurry to reach – Try to leave early to manage all the planned and unplanned stops. Try to enjoy the drive without worrying about the arrival time. If you are not going to make it by check-in time, call ahead and let the hotel know so they know when to expect you.
Be prepared for emergencies – Always pack first aid kit that includes some essential medicines for kids and adults. You may not need it but it’s always smart to have it with you just in case. Pack some spare clothes, wet wipes, and towels for any unexpected motion sickness.
Keep snacks handy: Pack snack for both kids and adults separately. Keep the snack bag within easy reach and not in the boot. Moms are the official snack handling person in any trip.
Play some games – We normally choose to avoid screens during car travel. So to escape the countless ‘How many minutes are left’ questions we play some ‘road trip’ games. ‘I spy with my little eye’, ‘Who am I’ and ‘guess the song’ are some of our favourites.
Don’t forget your hat and sunscreen. Have a safe and fun holidays! I am sure these tips are helpful for parents in any part of the world as many have started travelling with kids and the preferred option is a road trip right now. People are looking for options to go on small road trips with family and kids. Check out these Summer vacation outfits for the family.
January 25, 2021 at 4:05 pm
Nice post.