This one is for all the new moms and moms with young children. As a mom of a teenager and a tween, looking back to all those baby years and sharing with you all what I feel. It is not an open letter to all the new moms or moms of young kids, it is also a letter to myself a decade ago.I know being a new mom has its own challenges and we all fret about our babies, but don’t let these common concerns drive you crazy and enjoy this phase till it lasts. Motherhood grows on you and that’s ok if it takes time. Every stage of motherhood has its own challenges but the trick is to have fun along the way. 🙂


Cute smiles, happy feet, running around you all the time,

Crying, laughing, sleeping, eating and following you all the time,

Enjoy it, moms, till it lasts!

No school, no tests, and no exams, just goofing around all the time,

No extra classes, no tuitions, and no coaching, just tinkering around all the time,

Enjoy it, moms, till it lasts!

No peer pressures, no sleepovers, just being mom’s friend all the time,

No heartbreaks, no friends, and dates, being a mom’s date all the time,

Enjoy it, mom, till it lasts!

No rules and regulations, just breaking the rules all the time,

No choices, no making faces, just enjoying life all the time,

Enjoy it, moms, till it lasts!

No worrying about cleanliness, just messing around all the time,

No worrying about what they will do in life, just enjoying them all the time,

Enjoy it, moms, till it lasts!

Hugs and kisses, and clicking pictures all the time,

No “Stop it mom” and giving gyan all the time,

Enjoy it, moms, till it lasts!

No “don’t want to go!” and no “You are embarrassing mom!” all the time,

No “I hate you” and “no eyes rolling all the time,

Enjoy it, moms, till it lasts!

As a mom of a tween and a teen, I miss those days when they were small. I know each stage has its own challenges and ups and downs. It’s important to cherish all the moments with our little ones.

Having kids is one of the greatest joy and happiness. You must have experienced this wonderful emotion during the birth of your child. The joy which you are feeling is just the starting of this wonderful phase called motherhood and this joy even greater in the future when you see them growing up. Just remember to enjoy it as the years fly by and they will be all grown up.

Wish you all the best and parenting cannot be taught, it just comes from the heart. So, just follow your heart and keep going.








